gracedale yarra valley (03) 5962 1248

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Russell Drysdale - Defining the Modern Australian Landscape

The renowned Tarrawarra Museum of Art which we are so fortunate to have in the Yarra Valley is currently exhibiting some magnificent works by Russell Drysdale.  Amongst the paintings being exhibited is the famous "Cricketers", a painting which all Australians easily associate with Drysdale.  Others are: The Rabbiters, Broken Mountain, Evening, Saddling up at the Coen Races and Murphy's.

This unique and important exhibition runs from 19 October 2013 to 9 February 2014 at Tarrawarra, 311 Healesville - Yarra Glen Road, Healesville

Rusell Drysdale - Murphys

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Extras for breakfast this morning!

We thought we might have a few extras for breakfast this morning. What an amazing sight to have these magnificent balloons gliding past our windows at 6:30am.  They actually landed in our neighbours property across the road - hope they had the kettle on!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's Gumboot Season in the Yarra Valley

Yes it's Gumboot Season in the Yarra Valley - 1st July to 31st August 2013
There’s a chill in the air, the sky’s grey, and it’s wet underfoot but every year in the Yarra Valley, winter becomes Yarra Valley Gumboot Season. It’s all about dry feet, warm coats, and cosy hats. It’s all about rugging up and putting on your best gumboots and having a splash around the Yarra Valley’s wineries and restaurants. It’s all about warm welcomes at Cellar Doors, hearty winter food at cosy restaurants and brisk walks in the country. It’s all about open fires and relaxed conversations with winemakers who’d far prefer to be inside talking to you about their wine instead of out in the vineyard pruning. Most of all, it’s all about you getting off the sofa, getting yourself out to the Yarra Valley and having some fun in the wintery fresh air. Yarra Valley Gumboot Season – warm up in a cool place... BYO scarf!
Check out what's happening at the official website
This weekend, Friday 26, Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 July, Punt Road Wines are participating in Gumboot Season with a Winter Weekend Wine Sale and special discounts and prizes to guests who visit the cellard for all of July and August. For more details visit
Don't forget your gumboots!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Australian Steelband Fesitval - Marysville April 12 - 14, 2013

The Australian Steelband Festival, Marysville 2013 is the first of its kind in Australia. 

Steelbands from all over the country and abroad will join to celebrate the versastility of the steel pan and its power to bring joy and delight to diverse communities across Australia and New Zealand.

Travel up the magnificent Black Spur to Marysville and see for yourself how Steel Pans have played an enormous part in the Marysville recovery, and enjoy the unique sound of the pans on a weekend of music, fun, food & drinks, and a Caribbean atmosphere which promises to be an amazing event.

For full details checkout